Do you support preserving all of More Mesa as open space for future generations? If so, how would you provide leadership to achieve this goal and what specific actions or programs would you implement to protect More Mesa?
Janet Wolf: I support preserving all of More Mesa and would work with the community to raise the funds necessary. Funds could be acquired in the same way as funds were raised for Ellwood Mesa and the Douglas Preserve.
Joe Guzzardi: I would pursue trying to preserve all of More Mesa, but raising the funds required might be too difficult, given the other County priorities. I believe that Open Space and Ag land are the “lungs of the community” and therefore important to us. I also feel that growth will bring additional pressure to develop More Mesa.
Das Williams: We can save all of More Mesa. First, funds could be acquired via the recent State Bond set aside for preservation and other issues. Second, the market value of the property can be reduced by further down zoning and constraint of the development envelope. Finally, funds can be raised by traditional approaches used in previous preservation campaigns in Santa Barbara.
Dan Secord: “I support purchase of More Mesa for public open space. I would work with groups who seek to purchase the land, or conservation easements over it, to raise private funds for the purchase.