January 3rd, 2004 – Annual Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count
The following birds were seen on a walk along the top of More Mesa on the morning of January 3rd.
Loggerhead Shrike
Western Meadowlarks
Yellow-rumped Warblers (Audubon)
Red-winged Blackbird
Northern Harrier
White-crowned Sparrows
Golden-crowned Sparrows
Savannah Sparrows
House Finches
Black Phoebe
White-tailed Kite x 8
Scrub Jays
Red-shafted Flicker
Spotted Towhee
California Towhee
Hutton’s Vireos
Bewick’s Wren
Say’s Phoebe
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Acorn Woodpeckers x 3
Turkey Vultures
Mourning Doves
Western Seagulls
Month: January 2004

The More Mesa Preservation Coalition (MMPC) is a group of concerned citizens committed to preserving More Mesa in perpetuity. Members include professionals, neighbors, conservationists, activists, scientists, planning specialists, students, hikers, equestrians, cyclists and beach goers. More than 1000 people have already signed on to be made aware of what is happening to More Mesa and have given offers of help. We believe that we represent a broad coalition of members of the whole Goleta Valley community.
The MMPC tracks events and development proposals that may affect the ecological, recreational and scenic values of More Mesa, and takes appropriate action to protect these essential values of the Mesa. Our long-term goal is to work cooperatively with the site’s private owner, government agencies and the community, in order to purchase the remaining 265 acres for long term preservation. The entirety of More Mesa and its beach could then be managed as a nature park, protecting both the habitat and recreational values of this incredible site.