June 2009

An update from the Board …

In October of last year, MMPC reported the formation of a committee tasked with the creation of an updated community plan for the unincorporated portion of the Second Supervisorial District (please see this page, October 2008)  At that time we urged all our supporters, as well as other members of the community, to offer comments to the committee on topics such as open space, wetlands, vernal pools, habitats, creeks, watersheds, environmental protection, parks, trails and visual and aesthetic resources.  Now the committee is getting ready to provide direction on what the updated community plan should look like.  Toward that end, the committee has made available two structured ways in which you may express your opinions:

  • Survey: Take the Goleta Valley Community Survey on line here.  This comprehensive survey needs to be submitted by June 19th, and is very important, since it will help frame the discussions at the Goleta Valley Planning Advisory Committee (GVPAC) Workshop described below.
  • Workshop: Come share your views with the GVPAC at the upcoming Community Workshop … to be held on July 11th at the Vieja Valley School.

For more information on either of these topics, visit this page. Or call, 805-568-3380. This is your chance to get your opinions heard and included in our long range plan.  For example:

  • What do you cherish about the Eastern Goleta Valley?
  • What do you want to see change?
  • What does the community need?

Voice your opinions by completing the survey, and/or attending the workshop.  We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on July 11th! Valerie Olson More Mesa Preservation Coalition Chair, Goleta Valley Planning Advisory Committee (GVPAC)

A Western Screech-Owl was heard on the Vieja Drive side of More Mesa on June 2nd. To hear a recording of this owl, click on the start button below.

May 2009

White-tailed Kites
We are delighted to report that the eastern kite nest has already fledged three chicks.  The appearance of the juveniles has been documented as early as the middle of April! This extremely early fledging of three chicks bodes very well for a large number of chicks being produced on More Mesa this year.  And, the parents appear to be extremely busy, not only feeding this brood, but building (and defending) a second nest as well!

We invite you to learn more about the kites of More Mesa, from two different sources on this web site. First, a kite feature, written by Lynn Watson, may be found at here.

And second, you may find additional information and a detailed history of kites on More Mesa on pages 29-33 of the recently published More Mesa Handbook.

Migrating Birds 
Many migrating birds stop over at More Mesa both in spring and fall. This year, birders found a Yellow-breasted Chat, and one of the birders was able to capture a photo. These birds migrate to Mexico and Central America.

Yellow-breasted Chat on More Mesa, photo by Dianna Ricky, May 6, 2009. 

April 2009

We have two exciting pieces of news to report this month!

First, our very own MMPC Board member and Treasurer, Dave Peri, has be named “Man of the Year” by the Santa Barbara Foundation … an organization established in 1928 to enrich the lives of the people of Santa Barbara County through philanthropy.  The Foundation awards more than $20M in grants every year to help the less fortunate, offer education and cultural opportunities, and enhance our environment.  The award was presented at a luncheon on March 26th at the Coral Casino.  Dave certainly deserves this award for all the wonderful work he does in several major areas of our community, and especially for the More Mesa Preservation Coalition.

Dave Peri
Congratulations Dave!

Second, we are pleased and most gratified to report that the More Mesa Handbook has received an award for Excellence in Education from the American Planning Association –  California, Central Coast Section.  The award, presented at a dinner in Avila Beach on April 4th, named both Amec Earth and Environmental and the More Mesa Preservation Coalition as recipients. Lisa Burnes accepted for Amec, as Dan Gira, the Amec Program Manager, and the Handbook’s principal author, was unable to attend. Valerie Olson, representing MMPC had the opportunity to speak briefly about the significant impact of the Handbook on the Santa Barbara community and its importance for the future preservation of More Mesa.

Dan Gira
Congratulations to Dan Gira, AMEC 


March 2009

More Mesa Handbook Launch Party
The rain on Sunday, 22 February 2009 did not seem to dampen the spirits of the 80 folks who attended MMPC’s party to launch the new More Mesa Handbook.  All judged the event a great success … despite having to move the venue indoors, and into much smaller quarters.

Guests perused a hard copy of the More Mesa Handbook, enjoyed some refreshments, and listened to a detailed and very informative talk by Dan Gira, the AMEC and Earth Environmental Program Manager, who was responsible for creating the Handbook.

To view photos of the party can be seen Events > Handbook 2009.

Electronic copies of the More Mesa Handbook may be downloaded from Publications > Handbook.

White-tailed Kites
MMPC is most happy to report that there is confirmation of nesting behavior for three pairs of kites on More Mesa this year.  Indeed, it is further believed that one pair is already incubating!  This means also, that there is a good chance at least one pair of kites will double clutch this season.  The news of three nesting pairs is especially important, since there have not been many other kites sighted in the Goleta Valley of late.  With this news we have, yet another, demonstration of More Mesa’s importance to the regional kite population.

young kites
A number of photos of four pre-fledged kites, central area More Mesa, June 2003.
Click on the image to see a larger image.

February 2009

We are pleased to announce that the More Mesa Handbook is here! 


And, to celebrate this happy occasion,
we are throwing a party!  Here’s the invitation …

The More Mesa Preservation Coalition (MMPC) cordially invites you to participate in a gala gathering to launch the More Mesa Handbook, an informative, thorough and comprehensive look at our “Jewel of the South Coast”. Scan the Handbook, enjoy a short informal talk and an afternoon walk. Light brunch will be served. Please join us!

  • What: Launch of More Mesa Handbook
  • Where: Common Area – Vista la Cumbre
  • Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
    (Rain Location: 960 Vista de la Mesa Drive … see map below)
  • Time: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
  • RSVP: via the Contact page, with number of guests attending, or with any questions

Getting There and Parking: Since there is no parking on Mockingbird Lane, and limited parking on Puente Drive, we encourage folks to walk if at all possible (see map). If you have to drive from Hollister turn south on Puente Drive, park near the intersection of Puente and Mockingbird Lane, and walk up Mockingbird (towards the ocean). Follow signs to the party (see map below).
