In June of this year we reported that the permit submitted by developer, Jack Maxwell, to convert the “remodel” in the Hacienda Vieja project to a duplex, was approved by the Planning Commission. This disappointing decision allowed what will be, in effect, a sixth residence in a very environmentally sensitive area. Because MMPC believes it is the responsibility of our elected and appointed officials to speak for us, protect our environment and act as guardians of the community’s best interest, we filed an appeal to the Board of Supervisors.
We used the appeal as an opportunity to let the Board know that we are extremely concerned about the cumulative impact of County decisions in the past few years, and remind them that we look to our representatives to protect and preserve More Mesa. We stressed three points:
- The community cares about More Mesa. We value its outstanding visual, biological and recreational values.
- We want to be involved in any proposed development on or around More Mesa, and we want to be involved early in the process.
- We want the County to rigorously enforce both the letter, and intent, of adopted polices in the Goleta Community Plan and other applicable county documents.
Unfortunately, the Board of Supervisors voted against the appeal, 3-2 and allowed the permit. During deliberations, Second District Supervisor, Janet Wolf reviewed the history of the project clearly, factually and with extreme thoroughness. She pointed out that it was not the intent of previous governing bodies to have six residences on the project. She also stressed that hundreds of hours had been spent in arriving at a solution that was accepted by all stakeholders, and further that the County needed to be true to the integrity all of the processes involved. It was clear that Supervisor Wolf had spent many, many hours familiarizing herself with the details of this project and was very cognizant of what had transpired over the years of deliberation on Hacienda Vieja issues. First district Supervisor Salud Carbajal echoed Supervisor Wolf’s comments and joined her in voting for the appeal. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Supervisors Wolf and Carbajal for all their effort and support.
More Mesa Preservation Coalition
A group of 7 or more Black Turnstones on More Mesa beach seen from cliffs, Sep 17, 2007
Cassin’s Kingbird – a group of about 5 seen on central More Mesa, Sep 17, 2007