Fence at End of Mockingbird Lane
Many of you may recall that we had a dangerous fire on the northeast corner of More Mesa exactly two years ago. There is good reason to believe that the 2007 fire was ignited by sparks from a motorized vehicle. In order to minimize the possibility of a recurrence, neighbors on the northeast corner of More Mesa have constructed a perimeter fence to prohibit motorized vehicles from entering More Mesa. This fence has also been signposted. The accompanying sign indicates clearly that the path being used is on private property, and that both motorized vehicles and smoking are not permitted. We ask all of our More Mesa supporters to conscientiously observe these two simple restrictions. Thanks!
County Resolution on More Mesa Handbook
More exciting news … The County of Santa Barbara has passed a resolution recognizing the More Mesa Handbook.
“Be it hereby ordered and resolved that this Board of Supervisors recognizes the More Mesa Preservation Coalition and AMEC Earth and Environmental for their outstanding work in publishing the award winning More Mesa Handbook, and the County’s historic interest in this site’s important environmental and esthetic resources and values, as reflected in the County’s own adopted plans and polices.”
The More Mesa Handbook may be accessed on line here.
More Mesa Outreach Event
In late June, Bonnie Freeman, one of our most ardent supporters, hosted a wonderful event to highlight the importance of preserving More Mesa. This afternoon party, featured artists working to create paintings of More Mesa, guided walks on the west side of More Mesa, informational talks, refreshments, and opportunities for fellowship with other More Mesa enthusiasts. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this event!

Painting the cliffs of More Mesa.