July 2005

There has been no update from the Coastal Commission staff on the Hacienda Vieja Project. It is probable that they will not complete their analysis for several months. We will keep you posted on developments as soon as we hear anything.

As we reported last month, MMPC has been out on More Mesa asking members of the community recreating on More Mesa to complete our usage survey. So far we have been extremely pleased with the response. Preliminary analysis of the first 180 people who completed the survey shows that just this small group of people represent more than 1600 visits a month to More Mesa! It is, once more, clear that More Mesa is a very special place to members of our community.

June 2005

So far, we are aware of at least eight fledged chicks from the first broods of More Mesa’s kites. Since kites often have two clutches a year, this early count is an extremely heartening number. Last year, the total count, for the whole breeding period, for all four mated pairs, was ten. This early news is very welcome, as it seems that many other traditional kite nests in the Goleta Valley may not be occupied this year. However, our More Mesa birds seem to be maintaining a stable population!

MMPC has been out on More Mesa asking members of the community who use More Mesa to complete our usage survey. We will continue this data collection throughout the summer and fall. So far, response and interest has been very lively. As an added bonus, we have been able to talk about More Mesa and MMPC activities, as well as add many interested people to our data base. If you have not already done so, you can complete this survey on line by clicking the “Usage Survey” button on the bottom of the home page of this site.

Parent and one of four chicks from the Central Nest, May 20, 2005.

May 2005

In spite of threatening weather and competing events in downtown Santa Barbara, more than 400 people visited the More Mesa Preservation Coalition booth on Earth Day. A large fraction of these folks sought us out … to offer congratulations on the recent Coastal Commission decision (for a full hearing on the Hacienda Vieja development), to sign on to the More Mesa data base … and sometimes simply to chat about how much More Mesa means to them. The concern for potential permanent damage to More Mesa from inappropriate development along its edges was truly heartening!

Donley and Valerie Olson

April 2005

On April 13th, we passed the first hurdle on our Coastal Commission appeal of the Hacienda Vieja project! After a short presentation by MMPC, and one by the developer, members of the Coastal Commission voted overwhelmingly against their staff’s recommendation of “NO significant issues”. This means that, some time in the future, MMPC will get to have a full hearing on this project; one in which we will be able to make all of our points in great detail.

Our sincerest thanks go to all of you who helped to achieve this great success! We are most grateful to Mark Massara for the key role he played (see “Thanks” section of this month’s “People” feature). And, to our supporters, many thanks for your letters, your attendance at the meeting and your continued interest in preserving beautiful More Mesa!

However, our biggest “THANK YOU” goes to 2nd District Supervisor, Susan Rose, who not only wrote a letter to the Commission, but spoke compellingly in favor of our appeal at the meeting. Her presence made a huge difference for MMPC and the future of More Mesa.

March 2005

Our four page, full color Newsletter update on conditions, on and around More Mesa and the activities of the MMPC, has been mailed. After only a few days, we already have had extremely positive feedback on this new publication. If you have signed on to our list of supporters and have not received the mailing, or if you are not on our list, but would like to receive a copy, please contact us via the Contact page.

There was overwhelming interest in More Mesa at Earth Day last year; more than 700 people visited our booth! We look forward to breaking that record this year. Check for further details in the April News.