August 2014

Reptiles and Amphibians: In the past we have highlighted many of the biological resources found on More Mesa: birds, plants, mammals and, in last month’s update, our colorful insects, the butterflies. So it seems timely that the recent finding of a very long Gopher Snake shed should prompt this month’s discussion of the reptiles and amphibians of More Mesa.

More Mesa is thought to support at least 22 species of reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles occur throughout all the habitats and include common species such as the Western Fence Lizard, Western King Snake, Gopher Snake and Slender Salamander, as well as sensitive species such as the Southwestern Pond Turtle. (Gopher Snakes as long as 8 feet have been observed on More Mesa.) On the other hand, amphibian species are concentrated within wetland and riparian areas and include the Western Toad, Arboreal Salamander and Pacific Tree Frog.

Gopher Snakes as long as 8 feet have been seen on More Mesa.
