October 2007

In addition to our permanent bird population, some fall migrants are stopping over on More Mesa, and many of our winter residents have already arrived.  In the past two weeks, the following birds have been observed on More Mesa:

  • Northern Harrier
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • Loggerhead Shrike
  • American Kestrel
  • Savannah Sparrow
  • Song Sparrow
  • White-crowned Sparrow
  • Common Yellowthroat
  • Yellow Warbler
  • Wilson’s Warbler
  • Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler
  • Cassin’s Kingbird
  • Say’s Phoebe
  • Wood Pewee
  • Western Meadowlark
  • Northern Flicker

And, of course look for our ever present, beautiful White-tailed Kites.

Also, while out on the East side of More Mesa, notice how the burn area is already recovering. Shoots of many native plants (coyote bush, willow and oak) are making their appearance from the fire blackened earth … and after only 0.3 inches of rain last month!

Say's Phoebe
Say’s Phoebe catching insects in the burned area, More Mesa, October 9, 2007.

September 2007

In June of this year we reported that the permit submitted by developer, Jack Maxwell, to convert the “remodel” in the Hacienda Vieja project to a duplex, was approved by the Planning Commission.  This disappointing decision allowed what will be, in effect, a sixth residence in a very environmentally sensitive area.  Because MMPC believes it is the responsibility of our elected and appointed officials to speak for us, protect our environment and act as guardians of the community’s best interest, we filed an appeal to the Board of Supervisors.

We used the appeal as an opportunity to let the Board know that we are extremely concerned about the cumulative impact of County decisions in the past few years, and remind them that we look to our representatives to protect and preserve More Mesa.  We stressed three points:

  • The community cares about More Mesa.  We value its outstanding visual, biological and recreational values.
  • We want to be involved in any proposed development on or around More Mesa, and we want to be involved early in the process.
  • We want the County to rigorously enforce both the letter, and intent, of adopted polices in the Goleta Community Plan and other applicable county documents.

Unfortunately, the Board of Supervisors voted against the appeal, 3-2 and allowed the permit. During deliberations, Second District Supervisor, Janet Wolf reviewed the history of the project clearly, factually and with extreme thoroughness.  She pointed out that it was not the intent of previous governing bodies to have six residences on the project.  She also stressed that hundreds of hours had been spent in arriving at a solution that was accepted by all stakeholders, and further that the County needed to be true to the integrity all of the processes involved.  It was clear that Supervisor Wolf had spent many, many hours familiarizing herself with the details of this project and was very cognizant of what had transpired over the years of deliberation on Hacienda Vieja issues. First district Supervisor Salud Carbajal echoed Supervisor Wolf’s comments and joined her in voting for the appeal. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Supervisors Wolf and Carbajal for all their effort and support.

More Mesa Preservation Coalition

turnstones A group of 7 or more Black Turnstones on More Mesa beach seen from cliffs, Sep 17, 2007 cassins Cassin’s Kingbird – a group of about 5 seen on central More Mesa, Sep 17, 2007

August 2007

In mid afternoon of July 18th a fire broke out on the eastern edge of More Mesa.  Winds were potentially very dangerous. In fact, at first assessment, it appeared it might be difficult to contain the fire, which was spreading in a northwesterly direction.  However, within less than ten minutes, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department was on the scene. A helicopter assigned to the Zaca Lake fire was also temporarily diverted and joined in fighting the blaze. This dedicated and efficient team, working on the ground and from the air, had the flames extinguished within 15 minutes.  To insure that there were no remaining hot spots, firefighters stayed on the scene for another 2-3 hours.  The investigation conducted by the Fire Department estimates the burn area to 5 acres (see below), and concludes that the fire was probably caused by sparks from a motorcycle exhaust pipe.

We all can help prevent any future recurrence of this kind.  This year’s rainfall was significantly below average and all our open areas are extremely dry.  Therefore we urge all of you who recreate on More Mesa to be extremely vigilant about not smoking or introducing other potential fire risks (motorized vehicles) to this precious remaining open space.  Also, please point out potential fire danger to others out on More Mesa who might be unaware of the high fire risk.

The whole community extends our heartfelt thanks to our fire fighters for responding so quickly and, most importantly, for the wonderful job they did.  THANK YOU SANTA BARBARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT!

Map of the July 18, 2007 fire on More Mesa.

july fire
Aftermath of the July 18, 2007 fire on More Mesa.

July 2007

Geology and Sensitive Species
Why do some parts of More Mesa support few, and generally familiar, animals, while others are home to some of the more sensitive species in our region?  The answer lies partly in past geologic activity in the Santa Barbara region.

Santa Barbara is underlain with many fault systems, the activity of which has resulted in land-altering movement such as subsidence or uplift. Some of the more notable uplift areas are the Santa Ynez Mountains, Mission Ridge, the Mesa, and the coastal bluffs from UCSB to Hope Ranch including More Mesa. This variety of land forms has contributed to the many beautiful and diverse ecosystems in the region.

The uplift areas are “south side up” (south side is higher than the north side) and tend to impede groundwater movement toward the ocean. In the case of More Mesa, the catchment area is along the northern edge where the More Ranch fault is found, generally along Atascadero Creek, with many seeps and springs around the fault line. On the flatter portions of More Mesa, heavy rainfall results in the pooling of water. These wetland areas influence the activities of vertebrate and non-vertebrate species in the area.

There are a variety of habitat types on More Mesa, including grassland, riverine, marsh wetland, and oak woodland. In particular, there is a large ravine on the east-central side in which water collects in winter, even in this year of low rainfall. Along the western side of the large ravine, a remnant of native Purple Needlegrass has been found. It was also in this general area, that some special bird species were recently seen and heard.

A greater variety of living things, including bird insect prey, are found in wetland areas. The proximity to these wetland areas of other habitats, seems to allow the residents of the latter to fare better.

The large double-forked ravine funnelling down toward Atascadero Creek, with native grass in the foreground.

On June 10th, 2007, along the western bank of the large double-forked ravine on east-central More Mesa, two grassland bird species were seen – two Grasshopper Sparrow and two Blue Grosbeak males. Also, on June 10th, 2007, further along the More Ranch fault, near the county owned portion of northwest More Mesa, another sensitive species, the Swainson’s Thrush, was heard.

In 1978, California Department of Fish and Game prepared the BIRD SPECIES OF SPECIAL CONCERN IN CALIFORNIA, a document that still guides California in its management priorities. The authors chose to not grant Grasshopper Sparrow Special concern status, but wrote “ . . . there is no indication of any population decline, except perhaps in the southern coastal area, and birders seldom visit this species’ habitat to assess its true status”. This observation still applies, in that the status in coastal areas is largely unknown.

Over the last several years, the last time a Grasshopper Sparrow was seen on More Mesa was in 2005. Blue Grosbeak have been seen in this grassland area almost regularly over the years. In 2005, a newly fledged Blue Grosbeak was seen bathing in Atascadero Creek area adjacent to the ravine.

The use of these areas for nesting by the above species indicate that their habitats are in reasonably healthy condition.

Grasshopper Sparrow
The Grasshopper Sparrow is a small, shy songbird found in open grasslands. It nests and feeds mostly on the ground. The Grasshopper Sparrow name is derived not only from its diet, but also for its grasshopper-like song, which consists of two sharp notes followed by a buzz. Photo of Grasshopper Sparrow, More Mesa, June 10, 2007


Blue Grosbeak
The Blue Grosbeak is a medium sized songbird. Both the male and female have chestnut-brown wing bars, but the male is a beautiful dark blue while the female is mostly brown. Blue Grosbeak is an uncommon species that nests near riparian areas in shrubby grasslands, such as this portion of More Mesa ravine. The top photo is of a male adult Blue Grosbeak, taken on More Mesa, June 10, 2007. The lower photograph is of a fledged Blue Grosbeak, in a break between feather splashing, Atascadero Creek, July 9, 2005.


Swainson’s Thrush
The Swainson’s Thrush is a woodland bird that has a flute-like, upward-spiraling, song. In coastal California, it breeds in riparian woodlands, foraging mostly near the ground, and nesting in understory shrubs.

June 2007

Many of you may remember the long and protracted campaign concerning the Hacienda Vieja Project.  From 2004 to 2006, the More Mesa Preservation Coalition fought through all the public processes to ensure that this development was appropriate for More Mesa.  We were deeply concerned about the size, bulk and scale of the proposed structures, as well as the impact of five families in this small area abutting a sensitive wetland and More Mesa.  The decision makers and the community expressed their desire to have no more than three families on the parcels in question.  However, it was finally, and reluctantly, agreed to permit four new (large) houses and a 4500 square foot remodel, which was essentially a tear down and rebuild.  A compromise had been struck and was accepted by both MMPC and the community. Final permitting occurred in mid 2006.

A few months later, the developer, Jack Maxwell, applied for a permit to convert the “remodel” to a duplex, and then proceeded to build the remodel as if the permit already had been approved.  We were surprised and disappointed when the current Planning Commission voted to allow what is, in effect, a sixth residence.  Apparently, the logic behind their decision was that “If it’s legal, we must approve it.”

We depend on our elected and appointed officials to speak for us, protect our environment and be guardians of the community’s best interest (not an individual’s). The ability and wisdom of these officials to interpret laws on our behalf is critical to shaping a  community for people, not a community built by, and for, developers.   Because of this belief, the MMPC has filed an appeal of this decision to the Board of Supervisors. We feel that Planning Commission approval of a project that was vehemently opposed by the community and previous decision makers, while technically legal, was wrong.  Citizens look to our governing bodies to do, not only what is legal, but what is right! Santa Barbara County has broken trust with the community.  We are looking to the Board of Supervisors to rebuild that trust.