Hacienda Vieja Project
As reported in last month’s news, the Planning Commission approved a redesigned Hacienda Vieja Project with two of the four houses having two-stories. Because of our avowed commitment to protect all of More Mesa, including impacts to it from the periphery, we felt it necessary to appeal this decision to the Board of Supervisors. As soon as we are informed as to the date this matter will come before the Board, we will let you know how you can help. Below are excerpts from our appeal.
The More Mesa Preservation Coalition (MMPC) regrets the necessity of appealing Planning Commission approval of the above referenced Hacienda Vieja development, but feels compelled to bring this matter to the Board of Supervisors. The community is extremely troubled about:
- Apparent reversal of long term precedents concerning More Mesa
- Impacts of the Hacienda Vieja project
- Cumulative negative impacts of recent development approvals on More Mesa’s natural resources and scenic beauty.
The MMPC, and the community at large, are concerned that recent approvals do not respect and protect the unique resources of More Mesa and also depart from clear direction for project design set by several Planning Commissions and Boards over the last 15 years. In particular, MMPC, and we believe the community in general, are deeply distressed about the continued trend toward approval of large two story houses. These structures severely impact views from More Mesa’s trail system.
Although the MMPC appreciates the design changes directed by the Planning Commission for this project, we believe that the project, as approved, will still have severe negative impact on More Mesa. Specifically, it permits development that is inconsistent with the neighborhood, out of character with the natural surroundings and continues the negative cumulative trend toward large obtrusive two story structures. If this trend is continued, the natural beauty of this area will be forever marred.
To address these issues, we respectfully request that the Board direct the project developer to redesign the project as all one story units, and designed to blend into the natural environment and the surrounding community. This action would adhere to precedent very clearly laid down by County decision-makers over the last decade and a half.
Usage Survey
Many thanks to the dozens of people who have already completed our usage survey. We encourage all lovers of More Mesa to do the same. [The survey may be submitted on-line by visiting the home page of this web site, and clicking on the “Usage Survey” link.] Thanks again!